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The Most Popular Casino Lucky Charms

Not only in the casino, but also among friends and acquaintances, you occasionally come across this kind of people who are convinced that  happiness is not just the result of probability, but that it is actively brought about through one’s own behavior and with the help of artifacts can.

No matter what kind of person you pay to, whether superstitious or not, the fact is that artifacts in the form of lucky charms can make some people feel good, which in turn has a positive effect on their inner attitude and, conversely, on behavior. So there is some truth in lucky charms and you should watch yourself how you change as soon as you carry lucky charms with you.

In the following we list the most popular casino lucky charms and explain their origin and meaning. It is then up to you to choose one of these lucky charms and to test it your next visit to the casino.

Casino Lucky Charm: The Lucky Pig

“Had a pig” is a well-known German proverb that means something like being lucky, without doing anything on your own. In some countries the pig is still seen today as a symbol of prosperity and wealth or fertility and strength. Even if the origin of this cannot be fully clarified, most historians assume that the pig, as a symbol of luck, had its origin in the Middle Ages. In sporting competitions, the last placed received a pig as a consolation prize – he literally had a pig.

Casino Lucky Charm: The Horseshoe

Horses naturally radiate power, strength and potency. The horseshoe protects the horse and is therefore, unlike the pig, seen in almost all cultures as a kind of good luck charm or at least as something positive. The origin dates back to Roman times and then passed through many peoples – for example, the horseshoe was attached to ships to protect them on the high seas. For people of Christian faith, a horseshoe that is open to the right can also be associated with Jesus, as this resembles a “C”.

Casino Lucky Charms: The Number “7”

Just as “13” means something negative or bad luck for many people, the number “7” has a positive meaning for many. The ancient Greeks called the number “perfect”. There are plenty of reasons for this: the week has seven days, there are seven rainbow colors and the seven-point ladybug reflects the seven virtues of Mary Magdalene.

Casino Lucky Charm: The Rabbit’s Paw

In many cultures, the hare is a symbol of luck, prosperity, wealth and fertility, so it is not surprising that the hare’s paw itself is said to have magical properties. Even if the origin of this superstition is not entirely clear, there are references to the Middle Ages as well as antiquity. Even Aristotle described the hare as one of the most fertile animals. In the Middle Ages, patients should also tie a hare’s paw around their necks when they have toothache to relieve the pain.

Casino Lucky Charm: The Four-Leaf Clover

One of the most popular lucky charms is certainly the four-leaf clover. The chance of finding a four-leaf clover in a meadow is around 1: 1000. For this reason alone, the four-leaf clover is associated with luck. But it has other origins that point to the happiness potential. So the leaf also has a meaning in Christianity – the four leaves can represent both the cross of Christ and the four Gospels. There is also a legend in which Eva took a four-leaf clover from paradise to earth. Thus the shamrock embodies paradise on earth.

Casino Lucky Charm: The Chimney Sweep

The chimney sweep as a symbol of luck has, above all, very pragmatic reasons. If the chimney used to be clogged, you could neither cook nor heat. The arrival of the chimney sweep triggered a real feeling of happiness. In addition, through his work he brought food and warmth back into the house. Another moment of happiness is cleaning the fireplace, as a house fire is not that easy.

Casino Lucky Charm: Mistletoe

Mistletoe was already regarded as a sacred symbol by the druids of Britain, which combined magical and healing properties. Even in German popular belief, the plant could protect against witches. Nowadays it is a widespread custom to kiss under a mistletoe as it is interpreted as a good omen for an upcoming wedding.

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